Foothills Produce Auction

If you’re looking for fresh, wholesale produce, sold direct from local farmers, Foothills Produce Auction is the place you need to come. Beginning in spring of 2016, FPA holds auctions at 9:30 AM on Tuesdays and Fridays from mid-April through October. We are located...

Home Grown Homestead

We are a practicing sustainable, non-GMO, chemical free farm that works in harmony with creation to provide nutritional, flavor-rich food for our family and community to the glory of God. We offer pasture pigs, pasture chickens and eggs, honey, wax products, red corn...

Taste of Jubilee

At Taste of Jubilee we are committed to finding and growing varieties of grains based on flavor. We offer popcorn, grits, cornmeal, wheat, and spelt – either berries or flour. Our grains are stone ground locally for optimum freshness. These staples, both modern and...

Dale and Daniel Angle

Keepers of Honey Bees for 61 years. All natural, antibiotic free, unfiltered, unheated local honey and comb honey. Try it you will like it. All glassware washed and sterilized. Please call to assure someone is available.
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